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Главная » 2012 » Июнь » 9 » Success Story of the Month - Ya'ara Bismuth Small Business - Big Success Story of the Month
Success Story of the Month - Ya'ara Bismuth Small Business - Big Success Story of the Month

Who am I?

Ya'ara Bismuth, 43, remarried and mother of seven is the owner of her business, "Mila Achrona (Last Word)", an internet site that provides market writing and editing services for the Internet. Ya'ara, in the past secular and today a religious woman has lived in B'nei Brak for the last 13 years.

How was your idea born?

"I studied Visual Communication at the Institute of Technology and worked as graphic artist in an advertising firm. After I became religious and got married, I had my first two children. I soon after got divorced and became bound to the house, with two small children that were sick every other day and it became impossible for me to work. I survived on welfare payments and suffered from a lack of income. All that I had was an old computer and all that was important to me were the ON and OFF buttons. My friend showed me a wanted ad advertising a position for someone who was good at writing and editing. I immediately contacted them and it turned out to be a religious website. The head editor asked me for writing samples. After the kids were asleep, I worked on the samples and after two weeks, he hired my services by the hour. This was my first step away from feeling "fate stricken". As a women surviving on welfare, you are constantly weakened until you don't know how to return to life. Later on, I was assigned a column of my own where I wrote about my life...dealing with my kids and the constant "don't wants."  I wrote about my business and afternoon naps. Later on, I received an offer to prepare materials for a website and in return they offered to design my website. This website is still running today and I receive many complements. And that is how it started: I would sit at my home in my housedress, in one hand preparing pasta for the kids and in the other hand doing business."

What was the next step?

Since I was a single mother for seven years on welfare, the employment office constantly offered me jobs cleaning bathrooms and kitchens in the hospital. Just then, Economic Empowerment for Women opened a Business of One's Own training program in B'nei Brak and the social worker explained to me that if I join this program, I will be saved the destiny of cleaning bathrooms. Of course I joined the program and I learned how to be a successful business woman! During the course, I also gained the strength and courage to take another step and I registered my business legally with the Income Tax Authority. In order to overcome my fear of the authorities, I asked a fellow student in the course to come with me to hold my hand. With her help, I became a formally registered business and from there, my business took off with new clients and business offers.

What are your plans for the future?

Today, I set limits to my business and try to work 4 hours every day. It is so easy to get swept up with work which in my opinion is not the most important thing in life. However, I do want to expand the services that I offer and also to start teaching the trade so that other women will also be able to earn a respectable living from this business.

How will I share with others my professional knowledge?

Thank G-d, my business is growing well and now I want to empower other women with the knowledge and skills that I have gained. I have a teaching degree and I would like to start teaching market writing for the internet. First I will start teaching through the internet, and if G-d wills, I will give frontal lessons. I have already started to write my first internet course: "How to write like a copywriter in 6 weeks."

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