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Главная » 2012 » Май » 27 » Pope's Butler Is Arrested
Pope's Butler Is Arrested
[0526vatican] Associated Press

Pope Benedict XVI in his vehicle Wednesday with his butler, Paolo Gabiele, bottom left.

VATICAN CITY—The Vatican confirmed on Saturday that the pope's butler has been arrested in its embarrassing leaks scandal, adding a Hollywood twist to a tale of power struggles, intrigue and corruption in the highest levels of Catholic Church governance.

Paolo Gabriele, a layman and member of the papal household, was arrested Wednesday after secret documents were found in his Vatican City apartment and was continuing to be held Saturday, Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said in a statement.

Mr. Gabriele is often seen by Pope Benedict XVI's side in public, riding in the front seat of his open-air jeep during Wednesday general audiences or shielding the pontiff from the rain. He has been the pope's personal butler since 2006, one of the few members of the small papal household that also includes the pontiff's private secretaries and four consecrated women who care for the papal apartment.

His arrest followed another development at the Vatican this week, the ouster of the president of the Vatican bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, by his board. Sources close to the investigation said he, too, was found to have leaked documents, though the official reason for his ouster was that he simply failed to do his job.

The "Vatileaks" scandal has seriously embarrassed the Vatican at a time during which it is trying to show the world financial community that it has turned a page and shed its reputation as a scandal plagued tax haven.

Vatican documents leaked to the press in recent months have undermined that effort, alleging corruption in Vatican finance as well as internal bickering over the Holy See's efforts to show more transparency in its financial operations. But perhaps most critically, the leaks have seemed aimed at one main goal: to discredit Pope Benedict XVI's No. 2, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state.

The scandal took on even greater weight last week with the publication of "His Holiness," a book which reproduced confidential letters and memos to and from Pope Benedict and his personal secretary. The Vatican called the book "criminal" and vowed to take legal action against the author, publisher, and whoever leaked the documents.

The Vatican had already warned of legal action against the author, Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, after he broadcast letters in January from the former No. 2 Vatican administrator to the pope in which he begged not to be transferred for having exposed alleged corruption that cost the Holy See millions of euros in higher contract prices. The prelate, Monsignor Carlo Maria Vigano, is now the Vatican's U.S. ambassador.

Mr. Nuzzi, author of "Vatican SpA," a 2009 volume laying out shady dealings of the Vatican bank based on leaked documents, said he was approached by sources inside the Vatican with the trove of new documents, most of them of fairly recent vintage and many of them painting Mr. Bertone in a negative light.

Mr. Bertone, 77, had no diplomatic experience when, after Pope Benedict's election, he took over the high-profile job as the main administrator of the Vatican and its external relations. He had long been Pope Benedict's loyal deputy as a canon lawyer at the Vatican's orthodoxy office.

But he has been blamed for a series of gaffes that have plagued Pope Benedict's papacy and, according to the leaked documents, generated a not inconsiderable amount of ill will directed at him from other Vatican officials.

"For some time and in various parts of the church, criticism even by the faithful has been growing about the lack of coordination and confusion that reign at its center," Cardinal Paolo Sardi, the former No. 2 official in the Vatican secretariat of state, wrote to the pope in 2009, according to the letter reproduced in "His Holiness."

At a news conference this week, Mr. Nuzzi defended the publication of the book and said he wasn't afraid of Vatican retaliation. In fact, he even taunted Vatican prosecutors to seek help from Italian magistrates to investigate the case, charging that it would be a remarkable turnaround, given that the Vatican has been less than helpful in the past when Italian prosecutors came asking for information for their investigations.

He praised his sources—and said there were several—in his acknowledgments, writing: "They risked their jobs, loves, lives to entrust their big and little secrets."

Mr. Nuzzi had no comment Saturday about the arrest.

Mr. Lombardi said Saturday the arrest of Mr. Gabriele was a sad development for all Vatican staff. "Everyone knows him in the Vatican, and there's certainly surprise and pain, and great affection for his beloved family," Mr. Lombardi said.

Mr. Lombardi said Mr. Gabriele had met with his two lawyers and that the Vatican judicial system was taking its investigative course. He hasn't been indicted.

The Vatican has taken the leaks very seriously, with Pope Benedict appointing a commission of cardinals to investigate. Vatican gendarmes as well as prosecutors are also investigating the sources of the leaks. 

  • A terribly sad day when the Vatican arrests the only one who would tell the truth about internal evil doers. If the Church were truly interested in truth instead of self-preservation, they would have given the Butler a medal. The Holy Roman Catholic Church is proving once again it is totally evil and corrupt and anything but holy. When with this self-serving throwback to the dark ages be abolished? Somewhere God must be wondering. "Where did it all go so, so wrong?"

    8 Recommendations

    • Charles asks: "When with this self-serving throwback to the dark ages be abolished?"

      Speaking of the REALLY dark ages, which today, but for this church, we might well be living in, why not reading up a little on 1683 and the Battle of Vienna?


    • I do agree that it's a, "A terribly sad day when the Vatican arrests the only one who would tell the truth about internal evil doers."

      After all, as the Bible tells us, "...the truth will set you free." - John 8:32. Could it be that the Vatican is mad that someone told the truth?


  • godfather, part IV?

    let's make a movie.

    4 Recommendations

  • It's a shame they arrested the Butler. They should be applauding the fact that he tried to expose some of the corruption and wrongdoing perpetrated by the Vatican and Catholic Church. As we have all seen, the Catholic Church is steeped in secrecy and will maintain it even in the face of egregious crimes.

    6 Recommendations

  • It appears the Catholic Church has abandoned its misson as directed by Jesus. Consequently, they have dishonored the reason for their existance and any claim to be doing GOD's work. Corruption has always been the bain of mankind and the Catholic Church is no different.. Its well past time to restructure the Catholic Church and bring it in line with the teachings and practices of Jesus. No more wealth building and no more pomp, circumstqnce and ceremony. No more privilidged people and no more infallibility of the Pope. The vow of poverty shoiud be established and lived by all Catholic Church administrators and clergy. All their wealth should be monitized and given to the poor of the world. All collected monies should be used for the poor only and only a very small portion should go to the clergy. Jesus showed us the right way, but the Catholicc Church has chosen another way and now we see they have gove astray.

    1 Recommendation

    • And you propose that this restructuring should be guided by an institution of comparable global reach but free of the taint of these sins of vanity and materialism which is........?

      Or maybe you feel the reform minded should protest and split off to form a church that will not be burdened by such human weakness? Oh, that HAS been tried you say! Well then, follow one of those if you find it to be error free!


      • I don't pretend to know how best to get back to basics, but I know it must be done. The Catholic Church should make every effort to restructure itself as they are is the best position to do so. Failing that, reform minded protesters should pressure the Catholic Church to change. Failing that we will hve to see what options are viable and if none exist a dismantling of the Catholic Church as we know it may follow. Its too complex a matter to predict how things will progress. But one thing is certain and not too complex to understand; its that the Catholic Church must reform or cease to exist as it has betrayed its purpose to exist. If you know what is wrong with something, its easier to try to fix it. Now that we have identified the sicknwss, we can start to prescribe rehabilitation. I hope people come forward to make the reform happen.

        • And you propose that this restructuring should be guided by an institution of comparable global reach but free of the taint of these sins of vanity and materialism which is........?

          Or maybe you feel the reform minded should protest and split off to form a church that will not be burdened by such human weakness? Oh, that HAS been tried you say! Well then, follow one of those if you find it to be error free!


          • I don't pretend to know how best to get back to basics, but I know it must be done. The Catholic Church should make every effort to restructure itself as they are is the best position to do so. Failing that, reform minded protesters should pressure the Catholic Church to change. Failing that we will hve to see what options are viable and if none exist a dismantling of the Catholic Church as we know it may follow. Its too complex a matter to predict how things will progress. But one thing is certain and not too complex to understand; its that the Catholic Church must reform or cease to exist as it has betrayed its purpose to exist. If you know what is wrong with something, its easier to try to fix it. Now that we have identified the sicknwss, we can start to prescribe rehabilitation. I hope people come forward to make the reform happen.

            1 Recommendation

        • Franklin:

          What exactly is your definition of infallibility as it relates to the Pope?


      • Without trial or investigation, the Butler is innocent and the Vatican guilty.


      • High time the Vatican retained a skilled adviser we can all trust. You know, someone of the caliber of Goldman Sachs.

        1 Recommendation

      • As reported in this article, "The Vatican had already warned of legal action against the author, Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, after he broadcast letters in January from the former No. 2 Vatican administrator to the pope in which he begged not to be transferred for having exposed alleged corruption that cost the Holy See millions of euros in higher contract prices.” Wow! It certainly sounds like the Vatican isn’t inclined to be very merciful when someone leaks some truth about it that the Vatican considered to be inconvenient or worse.

        This warning of legal action against Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi seems to be at acute conflict with the message that Jesus brought. For example, he taught, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy" (Mtt. 5:7). When praying for forgiveness he instructed us to add "as we forgive our debtors" (Mtt. 6:12) and Jesus added that "if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" (Mtt. 6:15). Luke advised that Jesus said: "be ye therefore merciful, as your father also is merciful…. Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven" (Luke 6:35-37). Paul told us that we are to be "kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you" (Eph. 4:32).

        Accordingly, in view of this report that "The Vatican had already warned of legal action against the author, Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi…” could it possibly be that the Vatican is unwilling to accepts the very values that, as a Christian Church, it would impose on others?


      • What the Holy Father must be going throught! Was the Butler paid, why wasn't a priest handling these duties or is the guy a priest and we are not supposed to know. Of course, the Holy Father did volunteer to be a member of the Hitler's Naxi youth so there is some training there that apparently serves him well today. But then, of all things Enrico de Pedris a member of Rome's Magaliana Mob wormed his way into a Vatican plot and was buried with pope's and cardinals and he only paid one million lira - and the shock was or is that a 15 year old girl, a daugher of a Vatican employee was murdered years ago, and for some unknown or known reason, Enrico's body was exhumed recently bringing gasps to the Vatican because how do you talk about burying a mob leader? Well, Enrico may have paid a million lira, but he didn't sign a contract that if he was exhumed his body would be reburied back - so the Vatican met its requirements, and now the plot may be divided and sold to others - sort of Time Share for the revolving dead.

        But the Holy Father stands firm and was further shocked to find (everyone apparently knows that he won't last long) that the President of the Vatican bank, Ettore Tedeschi was fired from the bank - because he was supposed to supply transparency to the bank, and - hey, if you money launder, you can't do that real quick - which brings up the Devout Archsbishop Vigano who complained to the Holy Father about corruption and abuse in the Vatican and Vatican Bank......it appears certain companies were paid extravagent money for certain jobs .....or as one might put it...the Vatican bank... was laundering money....and paying it out to contractors or just typical cronyism where you pay your family and friends......and so because he was trying to clear up the mess......guess what happened? just guess.....He was given a respectful and his post in Washington DC,.....far away from the Vatican.

        Why go on. It is apparent that when gambling was legalized.....instead of people gambling at their favorite Catholic tax exempt church with donations.......Catholic donations was cut in about half - and you know in order to keep up appearances.....you have to find that cash somehwere. But never in god's name would I ever think - the Vatican had a Butler.



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